高二英语选修6课文?高二英语选修六(人教版)第三单元课文翻译:ADVICE FROM GRANDAD 爷爷的忠告 亲爱的詹姆士 今天这儿的天气很好。现在我正坐在花园尽头的那棵大树底下呢。我刚刚才回来,骑自行车跑了很长一段路,一直到了古城堡。感到惊奇吧,像我这样的年纪,身体健康而且能在一个下午骑车跑20公里。那么,高二英语选修6课文?一起来了解一下吧。
a short history of western painting翻译
Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholde
For years men and women have been getting married. They say their wedding vows which bring them together as one. They promise to love and cherish each other until death do them part.
When a man and a woman get married, it is one of the biggest decisions they will make in life. A man may select a woman because he, in his own eyes, sees her as the just-right wife for him. Every man has his own definition of what the "just-right" wife is. For instance, the millionaire man and the poor man both may define their just-right wife according to her physical qualities.
A millionaire may describe his "just-right" wife as charming, beautiful, sexy, intelligent, and well developed. On the other hand, a poor man may define his "just-right" wife as pleasing, attractive, desirable, knowledgeable, and shapely. Both men describe their just-right wife by the same physical qualities but use different words. The millionaire's definition of the just-right wife is more elegant, whereas the poor man's definition is a more common, everyday description.
Although some men define the just-right wife by her physical qualities, other men describe their just-right wife by her athletic qualities. For example, the outdoors man may define his just-right wife as a woman who loves to fish, to camp, to hunt, and to water ski, wheras the inside sportsman may define his just-right wife as a woman who enjoys watching football, basketball, baseball, and wrestling. Both of these men define their just-right wife by her sports qualities but in two different atmospheres.
Still, there are other men who have their definitions of the just-right wife. For instance, consider the fit man and the fat man. The fit man may describe his just-right wife as a woman who gets up every weekday morning at six o’clock and runs two to three miles. After running, she prepares breakfast, washes the dished, takes the children to school, and then goes to work. After work, she arrives home, washes several loads of laundry, goes to exercise class, picks the children up from school on her way home, and then cooks dinner. After dinner, she cleans the kitchen, bathes the children, and puts them to bed.
On the other hand, the fat man defines his just-right wife as a woman who gets up at eight o’clock in the morning, takes the children to McDonalds for breakfast, and drops them off at school. She then comes back home and lies on the couch watching soap opera all day. The children have to walk home from school in the afternoon. When they arrive at home, she instructs them to clean the house, do the laundry, and fix some hotdogs for dinner. Both men define their just-fight wife with qualities that they admire within themselves.
Men from all nationalities also have their definition of the just-right wife. For example, the Italian man describes his woman as a woman who stands six feet one-inch tall with blonde hair and blue eyes, and who is well developed in the upper portion of her body. On the other hand, the French man may describe his ideal woman as a woman who stands only five feet three inches with brown hair and green eyes, and who is moderately built.
Other nationalities, such as the German man and the Spanish man, may define their just-right wife as a woman who likes to drive expensive sports cars, a woman who visits a different foreign country every month and wears only the most expensive designer clothing, but the Spanish man may define his just-right wife as a woman who enjoys giving dinner parties every weekend, wearing a lot of jewelry, and drinking expensive wines.
In addition to other men’s definitions of the just right wife, the bachelor also has a definition. He says that the just-right wife is someone else’s wife. He picks her up in a bar, takes her to his house, and takes her home in the morning. The bachelor has no real definition for the just-right wife. That is why he is still a bachelor.
亲爱的杰姆斯,这是一个美丽的一天,我坐在大树下在花园的尽头。我刚从一个漫长的骑自行车到一个古城堡。看来我这样的年纪,还适合周期20公里的一个下午。这是我的生日在2周的时间,我就82岁了!我觉得我长期和有活力的生活是由于我的健康生活。这使我真正的原因,我的信,我亲爱的孙子。你妈妈告诉我你开始吸烟,前一段时间,现在你也发现很难放弃它。相信我,我知道它是多么容易开始吸烟和戒烟难。你看,青少年时我也吸烟上了瘾。顺便问一下,你知道,这是因为你染上三种不同的方式?首先,你可以成为身体对尼古丁上瘾,这是一个数以百计的化学品在香烟。这意味着一段时间后,你的身体习惯了香烟里的尼古丁。所以当毒品离开你的身体,你得到的戒断症状。我记得感到烦躁,甚至是痛苦的。其次,你上瘾的习惯。你知道,如果你做同样的事情一遍又一遍,你就会自动地做它。最后,你可以成为精神上瘾。我相信我是快乐和放松了一支烟后,我开始想,我只感觉很好,当我抽烟。我喜欢上了所有三种方式,所以很难退出。但我最终成功了。当我年轻的时候,我不知道很多关于吸烟的危害。我不知道,例如,它会严重损害人的心脏和肺部,还有吸烟的夫妇很难成为孕妇。我的确 不知道他们的孩子可能有一个较小的出生体重或甚至是异常的一些方法。
那是在巴塞罗那老市区繁忙的街道上的温暖的星期天。那些过往的行人绕着教堂前的什么东西站成了一个半圆。我挤过人群,发现有一个由四人组成的交响乐对正在演奏一首小提琴古典曲目。那个章节持续了十分钟。然后一个音乐人捡起地上的一个碟子要求路人捧个钱场。所有的捐献都是自愿的,没有人必须付钱,但是由于一些人溜走了,所以围观的人群队伍减小了。但也有人很愉快的扔过去一些硬币,他们很感激在他们购物的路上遇到的简短的音乐表演。 在我巴黎的公寓的窗户下,一个音乐人占据了先前一个音乐人留下的空地。他打开他手风琴的盖子然后转动把手。然后他唱着古代巴黎的歌——那些讲述人们和他们的爱情故事的歌。虽然我没有专门去学过,但我还是记得一些歌词。我用我的脚轻轻排着节拍跟着他一起唱。在那里的人行道上,一些人停留着。有的人笑着,其他人低着头走过。汽车驶过,由小孩组成的人群出现又消失,有些人甚至在手风琴上面的杯子里放了一枚硬币。但是音乐人完全忽略了他们所有人。他被太阳晒热了,所以他用一个有污迹的手帕擦拭了自己的额头。然后又开始投入到唱歌和演奏中。 在纽约的哈莱姆,一些本地人在阳台放置了一个音响,他们将它插入了插座,刹那间,就有人在街上跳起了舞。